Title: From Complexity to Simplicity: How RFC optimized their Azure Stack Hub billing with Hybr®

Are you seeking a solution to deliver a seamless Azure public cloud-like billing experience to your Azure Stack Hub customers?  Do you want to streamline your multi-tenant billing processes? 

Look no further! Our upcoming panel discussion is designed specifically for you. 

Learn from one of our successful clients, RFC, who shared their journey with Azure Stack Hub and Hybr® and how they solved their billing challenges. 


Watch the panel discussion and learn:

  • How RFC leveraged the power of Azure Stack Hub and Hybr® to support their hybrid cloud strategy and deliver consistent Azure services with seamless billing.

  • How RFC discovered Hybr® and what made them choose it as their billing solution for Azure Stack Hub.

  • How Hybr® helped RFC revolutionize their Azure Stack Hub billing with its comprehensive pricing profile and billing engine.

  • How Azure Stack Hub and Hybr® enhanced RFC's customer experience and satisfaction with its rich self-service and billing capabilities.


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