General, Microsoft Azure Stack, Products, Hybr, Usage and Billing
How to offer promotional credits to your tenants based on the pricing profile hierarchy?

Enterprise companies, Cloud solution providers, Managed service providers, Telecom industries, Healthcare industries, banking Industries, etc., or those who are having their asset in different service providers are looking for a solution to recover their investment by rubbing the cost to their tenants.
Also, they wish to apply promotional credits to their customers as a promotional activity to grab the customers towards their business. For addressing those scenarios, Cloud Assert built Hybr which is a hybrid cloud management platform with end to end billing solution to charge-back/ show-back your customers using various pricing models.

Bill your customers based on the resource consumption across different service providers namely Azure, AWS, Azure Stack, VMware, System Center, etc., in a single portal

You can set three kind of pricing models:
1. Fixed payment
2. Pay-as-you-go
3. Hybrid (Combination of both)
Also set markup, apply promotions and tax, etc., in the pricing profile tab.
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Apply discounts by aggregating the base credits:
As an administrator if you want to apply different credits to your customers who are using different services, you need to create individual pricing profiles for each service with the required meters. And. you can associate all these pricing profiles to a parent profile to aggregate the discounts applied in each pricing profile. You can also set discounts in the parent pricing profile it would be applied along with the discounts in respective services.
All the MRPs which is configured under the Gold pricing profile are applied 10% discount as a promotional credit.
All the MRPs which is configured under the Silver pricing profile are applied 5% discount as a promotional credit in another pricing profile
Gold, and Silver pricing profiles are attached under the default pricing profile using base profiles option. By enabling “aggregate base credit”, you can aggregate the credits for the meters present in the parent pricing profile.
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Based upon the pricing profile hierarchy it will aggregate the percentages and show in each invoice line items.
You can see the credit percentage in the line item level in the invoice.
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Check this link to know more about Hybr
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