Windows Azure Pack, VConnect

VConnect Windows Azure Pack Extension - Beta v1.0 Update 3

VConnect for VMWare® - WAP Extension

VConnect is a custom extension for Windows Azure Pack to allow management and provisioning of VMs hosted on VMWare. VConnect helps integrate VMWare hosts and Virtual Machines with Windows Azure Pack. Provides admin and tenant management functionalities for VMWare resources through Windows Azure Pack (WAP) service management portal.

With update 3, Cloud Assert VConnect beta for Windows Azure Pack features include:

Admin Portal:

  • Add VMWare hosts to the pool (with option to selectively allow hosts for VM provisioning to subscribers)
  • Manage CPU and Memory quota for subscribers
  • View the list of VMWare VMs created by all subscribers
  • View the list of VMWare Data Stores available to all connected Hosts

Tenant Portal:

  • Create VMWare VMs, (limited by quota set by Admin)
  • VMWare host user creation specific for each user subscription
  • View the list of VMs created by the subscriber 
  • For advanced operations, provides credentials required for connecting using VSphere Client

​Common features:

  • Power management operations (ON, OFF, Suspend, Reset) on the VMs
  • Real time screenshot of VM Console (Updated every 5 seconds)

Checkout the attached gallery for screenshots of the extension.
