Author: Ravi C Kolandaiswamy/Monday, October 6, 2014/Categories: Windows Azure Pack, VConnect
Let us see the steps involved in creating a VConnect template pointing to an existing VM Template in vCenter and customize the VConnect template to make the VM join a domain called ''. \
Step 1: Create a new VConnect Template from the WAP Admin portal by clicking the 'Add' button in 'VM Template' tab
Step 2: Provide the exact name of the template found in vCenter in the TEMPLATE NAME (case sensitive), a friendly display name, description and choose the OS platform as Windows
Step 3: Provide the network and storage hints
Step 4: Configure Windows Customization Settings - Part 1. Enter the domain name you want the VM to join. For Windows 2008 and Windows 7 OS follow this article.
Step 5: Enter domain admin user and password who has permissions to join a computer to the domain
Step 6: Provide other Windows OS Customization Settings shown below. Make sure to uncheck 'Is Configurable by Tenant' when appropriate.
Step 7: Make sure to uncheck 'Is configurable by Tenant' for the 'WorkGroupName' parameter, since this template is going to be used for domain joining the computer.
VConnect template now features a drill down view to edit and configure the customization parameters. Click on a template to drill down to view the parameter settings: Edit and save the parameter values:
You can also add a new custom parameter in a category: This custom parameter will be presented to the tenant user and later can be consumed by the extensibility PowerShell scripts.
Select the type of the custom parameter and provide other required values:
Tenant users can now create new VMs using this template:
VM is created and ready for the tenants:
VM properties showing that it is indeed connected to the right domain:
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