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How to Integrate VMware vCenter on Azure Stack using VConnect

How Hybr helps you Automate your Workflow using your own PowerShell scripts against a Virtual Machine?

Author: Praveen R/Monday, June 22, 2020/Categories: General, Hybr, VConnect

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Custom Commands in Hybr provides an extensive ability for an MSP to run their own PowerShell scripts against a virtual machine., Custom commands are one-time script execution which can be added by admin / tenant user

By default, Hybr provides the following custom commands.,

  1. Add, Delete, Expand Disks 
  2. Attach, Detach Network 
  3. Mount, Unmount ISO files 
  4. Clone Virtual Machine

Theses scripts can be imported into Hybr through Admin portal. Once the command has been imported the admin could execute the custom command against any virtual machine. Admin can restrict the tenant user's ability to run the custom command.

Admin can also make the custom command operations to follow workflow If the admin has set the custom command. Then whenever the user tries to execute the custom command, the list of approvers will be notified and only on approval the command will be executed against the virtual machine.

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Use Case Scenarios:

#1: Achieve VM operations in a single click

Hybr custom command Operation privileges controls the ability to interact with files, applications, and configurations inside a virtual machine in a single click.

It also controls the capability to interact with a virtual machine console, configure media, perform power operations, and install VM Tools. Also, allows creating, modifying, and deleting virtual machine services, modification of existing virtual machine service configuration.,

#2: Snapshot Management

As an admin user if you want to allow your tenants to take, delete, rename, and restore snapshots, you can write your own PowerShell scripts and import in the Hybr custom command feature. Then your tenants can achieve those functionalities against any VMs and control in a single click.

#3: Clone a Virtual Machine

Clone Virtual Machine Custom command enables the ability to clone the selected virtual machine, the cloned virtual machine will have the exact configuration to that of the initial virtual machine., The cloned virtual machine will have the unique Id and Ip address in the same network.,

#4: Attach and Detach a Network

If your customers want to allocate networks or remove the one that is already present in a virtual machine, without hopping between the portal and vSphere client or VMM Console.

Using Hybr custom commands a tenant need not rely on the infrastructure application such as vCenter vSphere, VMM Console to configure network. Hybr now enables this capability to configure network on an already provisioned virtual machine. 

Learn more on How to attach and Detach a VM Network on Existing Virtual Machines


How an admin can enable Custom Commands?

Under the VConnect module you can find the different clouds, where you can configure and manage your Hybrid clouds in a single view of glass experience.

VConnect → Connections → Select a Provider → Commands

Hybr has the tab named “commands” in each specific connection with different providers.

Hybr, administrator can write their own PowerShell scripts to create and perform custom power operations and run against any virtual machines. It also comes with pre-packaged commands such as Add / Delete / Expand a disk. In addition to that, Network management is also part of it now.

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How to Import Custom commands?

i. Login to Hybr admin portal 

ii. Select VConnect Module 

iii. Connections Tab → Select a provider 

iv. Commands → Import Command option

v. Enter Command name and choose a PowerShell script file to upload

You can find import command option under the specific connection. Using that, as a hybr administrator you can import your own PowerShell scripts and run against any virtual machines

How a tenant can perform custom command operations enabled by Administrator?

I. Login to Hybr tenant portal 

II. Select Virtual Machines module 

III. Virtual Machines Tab →Select a Virtual Machine → Configure → Commands

I. Login to Hybr tenant portal 

II. Select Virtual Machines module

III. Virtual Machines Tab → Select a Virtual Machine → Dashboard → Commands

Tenant user can find the custom commands by selecting the specific virtual machine in their respective tenant portal to perform the custom operations against the virtual machine.

About Hybr SDX Datacenter:

Hybr® SDX Datacenter is a cross-cloud automation and integration platform provides a multi-tenant portal experience that enables you to provision and manage your IaaS VMs across VMware vCenter, System Center / Hyper-V, Microsoft Azure, Microsoft Azure Stack, AWS, etc., and related resources on a self-service basis.

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