Author: Arun Krishnan/Wednesday, September 26, 2018/Categories: General, Windows Azure Pack, Hybr
Many enterprises and service providers alike are wondering about the IT roadmap for delivering multi-tenant cloud experience from Datacenter.
Introducing HYBR™ Enterprise
What is HYBR Enterprise?
HYBR is an independent platform built by Cloud Assert for cross-cloud self-management and billing automation that enables automation of workloads provisioning along with workflows and approval processes with flexible billing that gives the administrator total control over the customers’ policies, pricing profiles, subscriptions, invoices, and whatnot.
To know on how to manage virtual machines and other resources across multi-clouds service providers through HYBR portal check this link here.
Learn how Cloud Assert can build an effective Hybrid Cloud Platform
Highlighting key features:
Flexible deployment models:
Number of views (9700)/Comments (10)
10/2/2018 3:47 AM
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