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Top 5 Hybrid Cloud Billing challenges that a Cloud Reseller faces today

Top 5 Hybrid Cloud Billing challenges that a Cloud Reseller faces today

Hybrid Cloud Billing Automation

Author: Praveen R/Thursday, June 3, 2021/Categories: Hybr

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Cloud resellers typically offer IaaS, PaaS and SaaS from the cloud vendors. Nowadays, hybrid cloud deployment becomes popular among enterprises and service providers. Hybrid infrastructure enables a company to store vital data on a private cloud and non-essential data on a public one. Hence, the demand for public and private cloud adoption rises over the years. In this article, we present the top 5 billing challenges faced by most of the Cloud resellers at this day and age.

#1 Hybrid pricing models:

One of the biggest challenges of a hybrid cloud setup is to set prices based on their different business use cases. Software licenses are usually priced based on the subscription model, such as monthly, Quarterly, Half-yearly, etc., Typically, cloud resellers charge a fixed monthly-fee & consumption based pricing model (pay-as-you-go). Hence, the intricacies of adopting these two models will be one of the main challenges for them.

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#2 Currency exchange rates:

Handling multiple customers’ billing reports and invoices across the globe with different currencies will be one of the major challenges that a cloud reseller faces today. To take this hassle out, their existing billing solution should have a capability of applying the exchange rates to convert the default currency to customers’ home currency when processing the invoices.

#3 Insights into the usage data:

To avoid questions related to spending, Cloud resellers should allow the customers to see their detailed consumptions against provisioned workloads. Also, this will help cloud resellers to avoid delayed revenue capture.

#4 Optimize the costs:

Public clouds, having a default mechanism to optimize the costs and reduce waste spends. The obstacle in hybrid cloud scenarios is to have a comprehensive billing platform that precisely control and optimize the spending across clouds. Hence, the cloud reseller consistently relies on cloud billing and cost management features to manifold their revenues.

#5 Flexibility on billing tool:

Ease of control & flexibility is one of the expectations from cloud resellers when billing global customers. They will use different invoice formats and payment periods that caters to their customers’ billing needs. Sometimes, they may need an approval workflow mechanism to process, invoices or billing reports for their customers.

So, hybrid/ Multi-cloud billing platform with high flexibility, reliability, and control will help cloud reseller in the market to increase revenue and build trust with the customers compared to their competitors.

  Learn how Cloud Assert Hybr can resolve your billing needs across hybrid clouds.

Watch how Hybr acts as an End-to-End Billing Solution for Hybrid Cloud Service Providers.

Please reach for any detailed discussion regarding the solution and a tailored demo based on your business use case.


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