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VConnect 2.1.5 for Windows Azure Pack Now Available

VConnect 2.1.5 for Windows Azure Pack Now Available

Author: Arun Krishnan/Thursday, February 28, 2019/Categories: General, Windows Azure Pack, VConnect

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What's New in VConnect 2.1.5?

  1. VMware:
    • VM Creation would not use Cache for retrieving templates from the server.
  2. System Center:
    • Virtual network creation UI supports adding multiple subnets in the Tenant portal.
  3. Azure:
    • In the Admin portal, Template creation wizard would have 2 steps where fields are equally distributed among them.
  4. Networks:
    • In the Tenant portal, schedule task for updating the Network details from the server to the VConnect DB.
  5. Others:
    • VM Template Name would be passed on to the After Customization Script.
    • Plan Name would be passed into the Finalize VM Name script, so that the Tenant could create VMs with the Plan name prefix.
    • The select menu in the tenant portal will hide the features which are not supported in the Plan.
    • CustomPropertiesToDisplay appsetting would support both Displayname and Name property for the System Center VMs

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Issues that are fixed:

  1. In Veeam Backups, deleted vCenter VMs are restored to a new location.
  2. Concurrency Error on updating the VCenter Networks are fixed.
  3. VM Duplication issue while auto syncing has been fixed.
  4. Proper status change for failed Azure networks. 
  5. Unsaved changes getting deleted when moving params from one section to other has been fixed.  
  6. Fixes while removing the first resource in the Resource template and Deployment request create wizards in the tenant portal.
  7. Failed Azure VM’s deployment message alignment in the Virtual machines tab.


  1. WAP Admin Portal Extension Setup
  2. VConnect API Service
  3. WAP Tenant Portal Extension Setup
  4. VConnect Tool
  5. Setup Document

If you face any issues during the installation please reach us at



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