Usage and Billing Solution
Resource Provider specific billing charts in Hybr tenant portal
Billing cost break down charts based on the providers such as vCenter, System Center, Azure, AWS, Azure Stack etc.,
Support for operators to reset the cost and regenerate the Invoice from UI
In situations like a modified pricing profile or a changed metered pricing during the middle of a month, the billing cost must be recalculated. This requires admin to seek product support for resetting the cost computation. With this feature, the reset process can be initiated from the Hybr UI which saves the turnaround time for the administrators.
Rate of Exchange in Billing
Admin can configure the ROE for customers of different countries wherein Reports and Invoices will reflect the conversation rate.
Billing Accounts:
1. Ability to add user roles for billing accounts
2. In the tenant portal, usage costs can be viewed by users who have access to the billing account.
3. Support for Monthly Fixed Cost irrespective of the number of days in a month
4. Performance improvements for Microsoft CSP workflows
5. Configure additional email recipients for Tenant Invoices
6. Tenant user can view subscription usage and costs that are managed by them
7. The tax settings are moved from Invoice settings to General Settings
1. Ability to generate invoices in multiple languages
2. Support for a customized invoice through HTML templates
3. New default layout for invoice: This includes costs grouped by resource provider, invoice summary page and other improvements. If customer needs to see old invoice IsV2InvoiceEnabled in AppSettings should be set to false
4. Azure Subscription Id and other external Ids from the source to be shown in customer invoices
Ability to display usage history with costs for pre-existing data: This is controlled through IgnoreSubscriptionCreatedTimeInHistory in AppSettings; default value is false.
Report APIs:
1. Cost Report and Subscription APIs for external system integration
2. Support for operators to reset cost from UI
1. Improvements to Usage Data collection in Multi-Stamp environments
2. Support for usage collection and billing for vCenter Snapshot disks in addition to other VM metrics
3. Performance Improvement fixes for Pricing Profiles
4. The ability for admin to copy email notifications to other users
5. Email notification settings for billing subscription changes
6. More control on customer invoices: Admin would be able to mandate approvals before the invoice is available for the customer. This makes easier for admin to review and make any changes if required.
7. Resource Level cost in Admin and Tenant Reports for Azure Stack Hub
8. Support for Azure Stack Hub Version 2002, 2005 & 2008
9. Bug fixes and improvements
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