Hybr 2020 Features & Updates
November 2020
Hybr v1.1.84
Supports for external users to log in to Hybr customer's portal
1. Hybr now let's you configure more than one AAD directory. This helps administrators / contracting MSPs to login to the customer portal and manage resources on behalf of their tenants
Configurability CSP screen visibility for tenant portal
As a CSP admin, you have the ability to configure whether users can see CSP screens such as profile and marketplace
October 2020
Hybr v1.1.77
Support for showing Microsoft CSP Trial Offers in Hybr admin and tenant portal
Microsoft CSP performance improvements
Add-on plans - Ability to add multiple Add-ons for a subscription
September 2020
Hybr v1.1.55
Resource Provider specific billing charts in Hybr tenant portal
1. Hybr charts now show the billing cost break down based on the providers such as VCenter, System Center, Azure, AWS, Azure Stack etc.
Ability to assign licenses to users in MS CSP main screen in Hybr admin and tenant portal
1. Assigning licenses to users are now fast and easier
2. Licenses and Users screen on brought to the main CSP page in Hybr tenant and admin portal
Display Add-On Costs during the purchase workflow
Optionally hide invoice payment status from the portals
Configure additional email recipients for Tenant Invoices
Performance improvements in Marketplace page in Hybr tenant portal
Improved pagination and performance in Virtual Machines screen in Hybr tenant portal
Other minor bug fixes
August 2020
Hybr v1.1.40
User and Subscription traceability
User screen shows the list of subscriptions details that a user has access. This helps give a visibility of users and their subscription access.
Resource, Subscription and Connection traceability
Connection and Subscription details are now part of Resource list which gives a better visibility of resources and their relationships.
Multi-language support in Invoice
Ability to create invoices in multiple languages
Support for a customized invoice through HTML templates
Report APIs for Third-party integrations
Cost Report and Subscription APIs for external system integration
Support for operators to reset the cost and regenerate the Invoice from UI
In situations like a modified pricing profile or a changed metered pricing during the middle of a month, the billing cost must be recalculated. This requires admin to seek product support to reset the cost computation. With this feature, the reset process can be initiated from the Hybr UI which saves the turnaround time for the administrators.
Rate of Exchange improvements
Squashed a few bug fixes
Improved the performances of Virtual Machine Screen
July 2020
Hybr v1.1.32
Purchase CSP services by Admin / Resellers for customers
Ability for resellers to purchase Microsoft CSP offers on behalf of a customer. Earlier version of Hybr only had the ability for the tenant to purchase offers and with this feature, Hybr admin can purchase CSP offers an brings the ability to the Hybr admin portal
Pool support for VMM infrastructure
Ability to create and assign resource pools for connections
Ability to request reseller relationship to customers for Microsoft CSP services
Hybr allows resellers to invite customers to accept the partner invitation for Microsoft CSP services
Rate of Exchange in Billing
1. Hybr now supports ROE (Rate of exchange) where admin can configure the ROE for customers of different countries. Reports and Invoices will reflect the conversation rate for customers as configured by admin.
Security improvements for Apache Guacamole console connect feature
Improved power Virtual machine power operation status
Performance improvements on Hybr admin and tenant portal
Minor UI improvements
June 2020
Hybr V1.1.29
Multiple subscription management per tenant company.
Identity Server support in Hybr.
Email preference for invoice, subscription management, soft budget notifications etc.
Resource Pool support for VMM infrastructure via Hybr
Plan settings page ui improvements
Minor UI fixes
May 2020
Hybr v1.1.28
Hybr supports faster VM provisioning time using Linked Clone and improved customization
Tenant has the ability to Attach and Detach a VM network on existing virtual machines
Improved ISO mount capability which automatically lists all the ISO of VMM and vCenter
Restrict Virtual Machine access to owners and tenant admin only.
Provide virtual machine access to non-owners of the same tenant company
User level quota: Ability to set quota limit to restrict the number of virtual machines per user
Ability to customize a virtual machine's core and memory at the time of VM creation
Subscription and Invoice page loading issue when Chrome browser's default language is set to German
Improved Empty state design for pages that has no data to show
Minor UI Improvements
April 2020
Hybr v1.1.21
Azure Plan support for CSP
Hybr now supports Azure Plan for CSP Resellers who have migrated their customers from old Azure usage services.
BGP feature
Invoice support for Azure Plan in Hybr.
UI Customization
1. Ability to customize the portal colors for Admin and Tenants
Ability to show only active subscriptions in Tenant portal
CSP licenses purchase history of customers are visible for Administrators
March 2020
Hybr v1.1.15
Software Defined Networking support
Configuring gateway
Site to Site VPN creation
BGP feature
Invoice changes that includes section based invoice line items. The invoice line items are segregated based on Usage types, license types etc.
Auto import CSP customers to Hybr
Hybr lets you import all your CSP customers automatically. This saves a lot time when you have to manually import 100's of tenants
Usage history:
Usage history tab is visible for newly added tenants.
Changed the order of the CSP Subscription id from 2nd to 1st position in Cloud Service subscriptions page.
CSP offer price now shows with 2 decimal places instead of one.
February 2020
Hybr v1.1.11
Console connect to VMware virtual machines using Apache Guacamole.
Hybr lets users to launch virtual machines using console connect that VMware / vCenter.
Profit Visibility for CSP
Microsoft CSP re-sellers can view the profit made on selling license based offers to customer.
When a success or error notification appear on screen, Users can now perform other activities such as clicking on buttons or navigating to other screen in the portal. This was restricted in the earlier which is fixed now.
Minor UI fixes.
Notification toaster now appears to the top right of the screen instead of top center.
Notification toaster message has a progress bar that denotes when it disappears.